elo boost

Elo Boost

We are a group of experienced, enthusiastic and ethical League of Legends Diamond 1, Master and Challenger players.

LoL ranked system has always been a mess and it still continues to be. It doesn't really matter if a player is being legit or boosted at this point, the fact that more than 40% of the games in silver - gold games being tilted is inevitable. I am a silver player myself and about to get gold, but I had experienced matches undergoing unusual phenomenon of tilts, leading me to losing streaks and elo boost several demotions for which I didn't deserve at all. I don't support boosting and it should be restricted in competitive gaming environment, but Riot did little to nothing smoking out every one individual boostie successfully ON TIME for the past few years. Rioters have to take more than half a year or towards end of season to actively purge out the violators, which isn't even all of them.

Welcome to the website of Elo Boost Now, the highest rated League of Legends boosting service by actual customers. When people look for an elo boost, most often they are swarmed by no name websites ran by an average Joe or uncle Harry with no insight of business, customer service orientation, or care for privacy and account security. Elo Boost Now has a history dating back to season 1 of League of Legends. Ever since Riot Games has focused on promoting the game and ranked play, we have been helping players achieve more than they could by themselves. There are many reasons to use our service, but your choice is why we are here.-2016-Tagged2-300x259.png" width="239" alt="{elo boosting|elo boosting jobs|elo boost pros|elo boosting reddit|elo boosters|elo boost academy|elo boost promo code|elo boosting sites|elo boosting ban|elo boosting prices}"/>

Prior to the boost, I had just come off of a 0-3 (the dream) promo loss, in which I lost 2 games while duoing WITH A FUCKING BOOSTER from another site that I won't mention… needless to say I was already pissed and desperate to hit Plat tonight. As an aside, I highly suggest not going to sites with cheaper prices. Yes, their prices may look attractive, but they only have these prices because their boosters are of comparably lower quality skill (I'm talking D5 boosters); a Master/Challenger player is the best of the best, if he has a brain he is not going to work for dirt cheap rates. What's the point of paying for a guaranteed win if the win isn't even guaranteed?! Unfortunately I learned this the hard way 2 hours ago. You get what you pay for, you have been warned.<div style="text-

And last but obviously not least, the gameplay of my booster was superb. I later learned that he was the owner of the site and is Challenger on his main, and both these attributes showed in his gameplay. I was kind of freaking out about losing another game, but the guy"s utterly supreme confidence - seriously Zen-like cockiness on this guy - helped put me at ease. As we were TeamSpeaking, I could hear the booster watching a stream, delegating boost orders to his employees, and talking to a business partner - basically multitasking out the ass - all while literally dominating the game. The guy was a fucking god. We stomped both games.